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- Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:16 am
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Epigenetics - can we really turn APOE4 off?
- Replies: 30
- Views: 14242
Re: Epigenetics - can we really turn APOE4 off?
I have a question - I definitely understand the concept of epigenetics and how certain genes can be turned on or off based on emotional, environmental, etc. factors. That said, is APOE4 really one of those genes? Aren't the two copies of APOE we have (whether they're 2, 3, and/or 4) technically alw...
- Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:42 pm
- Forum: The Social Hour
- Topic: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
- Replies: 44
- Views: 20969
Re: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
Think Japan and China have now said phase 1 trials are all that are required. I can't recall whether it has to be a life or death situation, but I believe there weren't heavy restrictions. Not only would costs come down, you're going to see all manner of experimentation, FBFW for better for worse.
- Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:39 pm
- Forum: The Social Hour
- Topic: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
- Replies: 44
- Views: 20969
Re: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
Out of curiosity, if they come up with a way to edit genes in adults, would you get your ApoE4 genes swapped out? If I thought it safe and tested, I would jump at it. Of course, I'm not having more kids, so whatever the result, it stops with me. In france they took a percentage of the bone marrow, ...
- Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:36 pm
- Forum: The Social Hour
- Topic: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
- Replies: 44
- Views: 20969
Re: Genetic Engineering and unknown consequences
Confirming my lack of medical background, I thought APOE4 expression would be primarily determined by not the genome itself, but the bone marrow (producing a significant fraction of apoe4 expression). That the african child/teen in france who had partial marrow extraction / gene editing (I don't thi...
- Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:39 pm
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7137
Re: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
Thanks Kenny. I've taken some. My diet and lifestyle has been all over the map. Carb fueled, fasting, in and out of ketosis...and wine, eh. Clean living til xmas for mwah. I do think these pills are pretty worth it at this point. We'll see. They seem to provide an extra mental boost more than anythi...
- Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:34 pm
- Forum: Science and Research
- Topic: How long after eating before authophagy starts?
- Replies: 21
- Views: 11311
Re: How long after eating before authophagy starts?
Attia has a recent interview with Thomas Seyfried where the touch a little bit on fasting ... got the sense that Seyfried was saying the more you do it the more adapted your body becomes the less autophagy you'll experience got the sense he would say it was more than 24 hours, but I think that was f...
- Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:51 pm
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7137
Re: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
Dominick D'Agostino tweeted this link out recently: Nutritional Ketosis Increases NAD+/NADH Ratio in Healthy Human Brain: An in Vivo Study by 31P-MRS Sounded like a better study would have you even more encouraged if you believe NAD+/...
- Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:26 pm
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7137
Re: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
The podcast is 2 hours but is pretty good. He maintained that NR to NMN to NAD and seemed to indicate there was a reason why you don't want to take too much NR (i was in car listening so I may have misheard this). Typical inside baseball he probably told Attia what he takes but not on the podcast. H...
- Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:31 am
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7137
Re: Peter Attia's AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more
What struck me as particularly interesting was the Nicotinamide Riboside discussion at the end, where Peter ultimately seems to view the supplementation of NR / NMN as a waste of money, whereas microdose lithium was mentioned to offer some cost-effective benefit. I'd love to rack his brain on a num...
- Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:15 am
- Forum: Prevention and Treatment
- Topic: Ketogenic meal/eating ideas?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4251
Re: Ketogenic meal/eating ideas?
Greenchef has a Ketogenic plan. My wife and I have done weekly 3 meals for 2 people for maybe a year, and generally enjoyed it. Seasoning is a big deal as is combining flavors together. The definitely have given us ideas for meals we can use. You also get recipes wit...