Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by apod »

cdamaden wrote:What I've seen her recommend is to eat your meals with a plate full of vegetables (say 4/5 coverage) and use protein as a topping (say 1/5). Use fat in your cooking and as a light dressing to taste. I take that to mean less than a 1 tablespoon per meal.
Got it, that's pretty close to my current approach, only maybe with 2-3x the tablespoons of fat per meal and 2-3 avocados over the veg, and maybe a quarter lb of nuts on top. :D

I experimented with throwing in some red hulled lentils PWO today (no added fat) stepping out of ketosis for a minute. My +40m glucose spike topped out at 105 mg/dL before dropping back down into the 80-90's -- this wasn't even a full-body workout. Across the board, these seem to have the best ratio for me of net carbs : glucose spike, better than large quantities of veg + fat + fiber + protein or low-gi fibrous berries. I'm just not quite sure what to make of the lectin content. From what I'm reading, it should be relatively benign if not healthy to make a habit of eating these soaked + pressure-cooked.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

Theresa & I had our 4th hour-long call with Dr. Gundry. The transcripts and lab results for our first call are here and for calls 2 & 3 are here. Our lifestyle description has much more detail in the 2nd link and hasn't changed that much.

5 weeks before having our blood sampled for this call, we did a 7 day fast. Theresa's description starts here in this thread.

In our call, Dr. Gundry refers to an abstract he published, noticing that those who are losing weight have elevated homocysteine levels.

In this thread, Theresa discusses IFG-1 levels, diet, exercise & etc.

This file includes the transcript of our most recent call with Dr. Gundry, including general questions we asked, notes we provided Dr. Gundry prior to our call, including our current supplements & lifestyle and his latest Matrix Food list. While meats/cheese are listed on the Matrix list, for E4's he limits our consumption of animal products to just shellfish, white fish & omega 3 or pastured eggs. The protein from these sources are limited to 20g/day, for IGF-1 reasons. Many many thanks to Theresa for the tremendous work of transcribing the call!!!!
2Feb17 Gundry consult transcript Notes Matrix.pdf
The following are the lab results from our fast. For Theresa there are pre and post results and for me post results.
Labcorp results fm fast combined all.pdf
This file has the lab results Dr Gundry ordered for both of us from the labs: Singulex, True Health Diagnostics & Vibrant America. There are many new tests. Vibrant has many autoimmune tests. Dr. Gundry also added Oxidized LDL & fructosamine among others.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by TheresaB »

GeorgeN wrote, "Theresa & I had our 4th call hour-long with Dr. Gundry....This file includes the transcript of our most recent call with Dr. Gundry,
I would like to point out that in the transcript (link provided in George's post) Dr Gundry says he and Dr Bredesen are now good friends. :D :D :D :D :D ! Plus they’re big fans of each other’s books.

Speaking of books, in our consult Dr Gundry gave us a few teasers of things to come:
  • -Evidently there’s a discussion of fructose, glucose and insulin and that fructose does not raise insulin, whereas glucose does
    -A big chapter on IGF-1 and the effects of proteins and fasting on IGF-1
    -There’s a cancer segment in the book where he’ll discusses the contributory factors of red meat and sugar.
    -He told us there’s a funny sugar molecule in pork, lamb, and beef where we attack our own blood vessels causing heart disease and cancer. But it’s not present in fish, or shellfish, or chicken. Evidently this is why the book was delayed, he thought it was compelling enough to delay the release of the book and his publishers agreed.
    -Oh and let’s not forget lectins, evidently he'll talk about lectins and answer the question we asked if the gut biome affects sensitivity to lectins
Can’t wait for his book (April 2017), “The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in ‘Healthy’ Foods that cause Disease and Weight Gain”

And if you order it, or anything else on Amazon, don’t forget to use AmazonSmile and donate to your favorite charity, which hopefully is ApoE4.info.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by KatieS »

Thanks to Theresa & George for the complete transcript of Dr. Grundry's advise.

Theresa, I am so pleased that Dr. G acknowledges some women as "estrogen sensitive" such that a tiny amount of estrogen seems to clear their brain fog. Do you think we're both part of that 5%? Are there any references about this small subset? I found your estradiol confusing as on 11/30/16 it was 12.3, then 12/6/16 less than 5 (am I reading this correctly?). Well, based on your scholarly post which made it on Wiki, it doesn't appear that you're not having any low-estrogen brain fog, possibly the opposite. Remind me, are you on HRT? Could it be that some of us do better with very low estrogen?

George, what dose of niacinamide are you taking for the lp(a)?
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

KatieS wrote:I found your estradiol confusing as on 11/30/16 it was 12.3, then 12/6/16 less than 5 (am I reading this correctly?).
Katie, the 12.3 was on day one of our 7 day fast, <5 was on day 7. We had done the fast on the assumption Theresa's fibroid might be malignant. Wanted to see if fasting would change estrodiol, which is obviously will. Would have been good info, if there had been a hormonal cancer.
George, what dose of niacinamide are you taking for the lp(a)?
None, yet. He'd prescribed 2x500mg/day for us previously. I'd stopped as I wanted to figure out homocysteine (which niacin can increase) first. Will add it in and figure it out. I have taken both niacin and niacinimide in the past and need to look at my labs to make a quantity decision.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by TheresaB »

Katie wrote,
I found your estradiol confusing…
You and me both! My estrogen fell like that first drop on a roller coaster in the past year.

Estradiol History:
Dec 2015 - 102.2 (Dr Gundry lab test)
June 2015 - 99.5 (Dr Gundry lab test)
Nov 2016 - 12.3 (labcorp test on morning of first day of fast, it went to less than 5 on the last day of the fast, that is a “normal” response)
Jan 2017 - 15.3 (Dr Gundry lab test)

I was shocked :shock: when I saw that result in November and, with it so low, I fully expected to pursue HRT after my consult with Dr Gundry and getting his take on what he considered an optimal level of estradiol to be. But, as your read in the transcript he thinks my current level is “a wonderful thing.” :)

I don’t seem to be one of the 5% of females who is “estrogen sensitive.” I have experienced no cognitive changes since last summer, yet my estradiol level changed significantly.

As an aside, I do find it odd that it took a while for my estradiol to reach “normal” post-menopausal levels, I guess now my body is finally all caught up, though.

Regarding the estimate of 5% of women who are estrogen sensitive, you asked
Are there any references about this small subset?
Probably, but we didn’t ask. Sorry. :(
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Julie G »

WOW, I'm so grateful to you both for this very generous share on multiple levels. Congrats on your terrific results. We learn so much by being able to see your diet/biomarker interaction and we learn even more by hearing Dr. Gundry's interpretation of your results.

Theresa, on one of the tests, your TSH was significantly elevated. Any idea why? I notice it was within range on a different test. I also find your estrodial journey to be fascinating. I think I've shared this with your privately, but I suspect that you would have had a much more difficult transition to this precipitous drop had you not already been keto-adapted. Your brain had a steady supply of fuel. Are you both planning to start his Vital Reds?

I'm still on the edge of my seat wanting to hear Dr. Gundry's take on the Nigerians... I guess I have to wait for the book- sigh. I really like that he and Dr. Bredesen have become friends. That was one of our goals- mission accomplished :D
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by TheresaB »

Juliegee wrote,
Theresa, on one of the tests, your TSH was significantly elevated. Any idea why?
Yes, that result was on day 7 of my fast, as to be expected, the fast taxed my thyroid.
TSH History on Gundry lab tests (normal conditions): (Singulex range .27 – 4.2)
5/2015 - 3.160
1/2016 - 2.110
6/2016 - 3.130
1/2017 - 2.950
All those are within range, so no issue. On the 7th/last day of my fast, however, TSH was 6.110 -High (labcorp range .450 – 4.5), but to be expected. As Mr Spock would say, “Fascinating.”

Juliegee also asked,
Are you both planning to start his Vital Reds?
Can't speak for George. I have been taking Vital Reds “here and there” but will be taking on a daily basis from now on.
I’m basing my decision on two things:
1. After reading a post from a 76 yo woman on one of the facebook pages dedicated to following Dr Gundry. She reported her natural hair color was returning after a few months of taking it, (ahhh, vanity! I’m not very gray, but would sure like to stay that way.) ;) Plus other facebook page followers have had good reports too.
2. After our consult with Dr Gundry. He made of point of not “hawking his wares,” but he did say he is proud of his products, so the subject did come up and these were Dr Gundry’s statements that pursuaded me:
  • -Dr Gundry, “unbeknownst to me, they started taking my product Vital Reds and, knock on wood, so far every one of them, their Lp-PLA2 (a coronary heart disease risk indicator reflecting the “sticky” cholesterol) has gone down to normal."
    -Despite doing basically everything right on Dr Gundry’s diet, George was slightly “yellow” on oxidized-LDL and it’s the oxidized LDLs that Dr Gundry insists are the bad actors in cholesterol, and are especially problematic for ApoeE4s. Regarding this test result, Dr Gundry said, “it’ll be interesting to see what you do on Vital Reds. Yeah, so I think it will be worth the experiment.”
    -And lastly, Dr Gundry said, “polyphenols in general are probably the key to not having all the mischievous things that ApoE4 does in your brain. So basically, the more polyphenols I can cram down somebody’s throat, the better. And one of the cool things about Vital Reds, it’s just concentrated polyphenols and different polyphenols, and so it’s a great product for you guys.”[ Apoe4s].
Juliegee, regarding Nigerians, he gave us a preview of coming attractions in his presentation at the Ancestral Health Symposium, August 2016. Starting at about the 3:30 minute mark of his presentation:
Now as many of you may not know Nigerians have the highest incidence of the ApoE4 genotype of any studied population, in fact it is a huge percentage of their population. But their incidence of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are extremely low. Age-matched and ApoE matched African-Americans from Indianapolis have significantly higher LDL and small particle LDLs than their corresponding age matched Nigerians and significantly higher rates of Alzheimer's disease. There have been two studies, and I apologize I didn't put the references, I put references on everything else and somehow I missed, but there are two studies done by the same group that have looked at this comparison and the comparison stands up in a small group study that was initially published and now in a much larger group to study. Now interestingly, despite the increased association of Alzheimer's disease and African-Americans with ApoE4 vs Nigerians what's striking in this comparison study is that elevated LDL-C had the highest association with Alzheimer's disease regardless of a ApoE status. In other words what this study showed in black Americans vs. Nigerians that high LDL-Cs was the strongest predictor of Alzheimer's disease regardless of ApoE status. And in fact the Nigerians who do develop Alzheimer's disease and there are a few small ones, in fact have high levels of LDL-C.
Juliegee also wrote,
I really like that he and Dr. Bredesen have become friends. That was one of our goals- mission accomplished
Yes, Tee-hee. :D

Edited addition: If someone is now thinking of trying VitalReds, DO NOT BUY on Amazon, it'll cost you an arm and a leg there. Go to the GundryMD.com website, click on "new customer" and after you buy for the first time they will subsequently offer periodic discounts.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

Juliegee wrote: Are you both planning to start his Vital Reds?
I went ahead and put in an order. The wife of a friend, who never thinks anything helps, thinks she is feeling better. I have an objective metric, with the LpPLA2 to see if they make a difference, also Ox LDL. Likewise, I have an objective measure for PrebioThrive, which I also ordered. I may order some organic olive leaves from another source for more polyphenols.
I really like that he and Dr. Bredesen have become friends. That was one of our goals- mission accomplished :D
Thank YOU Julie for all your work making that happen at AHS16!! I see nothing but good coming from this.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Greenie »

The Vital Reds looks interesting, especially if I can save money by not getting desperate probiotics and b-vitamins. Any idea if the B vitamins are methylated?

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