Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

In this post is a transcript of our (Theresa's & my) 7th consultation with Dr. Gundry. Links to the other 6 are here. This link has a compilation of links to Gundry, Bredesen & Wahls interviews & etc. in addition to our previous transcripts & labs. In addition to discussing our labs, we have over twenty minutes of more general questions (which is true for our other consultations also).

Most recent food lists. Note, these food lists do not have Dr. Gundry's ApoE4 restrictions. In the animal/fish/dairy realm he suggests we restrict to shellfish, whitefish and omega 3 or pastured eggs. Also he suggests restricting coconut oil and he is unsure if MCT oil is good for E4's.

Consultation transcript, our diet and supplements and other notes:
18_08_21 Gundry Transcript Lab notes for both.pdf
T's PULS, Salveo, True Health & Vibrant labs:
18_08 PULS_Salveo_TrueHealth_Vibrant 58yo F.pdf
T's Veridia labs:
18_08 Veridia, 58 yo, F.pdf
My labs are in the next post.

Thanks hugely to Theresa who did the yeoman's work of transcribing the consult!
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

My labs for the 7th consult (these labs refer to this post) above:

My PULS, Salveo, True Health & Vibrant labs:
18_08 PULS_Salveo_TrueHealth_Vibrant 63yo M compress.pdf
My Veridia labs:
18_08 Veridia, 63 yo M.pdf
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Jafa »

Many thanks once again Theresa and Tincup for sharing your consults with Dr Gundry and labs. You are both especially kind to think of others while having the challenge of caring for a sick family member. In my country we don’t have the many lab tests you do. I still find it interesting though, and always learn a thing or two.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by SoCalGuy »

Agree Jafa, thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to reading up on Theresa and Tincup's meetings with Dr. Gundry. I watch all of Dr. Gundry's videos and podcast appearances so it's great to get additional info. I do plan on scheduling a meeting with him myself.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Tincup »

Jafa wrote:In my country we don’t have the many lab tests you do. I still find it interesting though, and always learn a thing or two.
Was at the AHS16 conference in Aug 2016 with Stavia. I happened to sit next to Dr. Terry Wahls at several of our ApoE4 dinners. In our conversation, she mentioned that she usually only did 5 (as I recall) tests at her clinic at the Veterans Administration (VA). Then she talked about the results she was having treating TBI's, depression & PTSD with these vets - she had a 6 month waiting list at that time. I told Stavia that she should go talk to Terry as they were both working in a resource constrained environment. Our other dinner guests at that conference were Dr. Gundry & Dr. Bredesen, who clearly operate in a less constrained environment.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Kenny4/4 »

Thank you for sharing your visit. The both of you are an inspiration to me.
I Just wrapped up my second 5 day modified fast (500 cal) in 2 months.
Thank you for your generous sharing of imformation.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Pat95 »

I am new here. I am a 3/4. I am not quite clear on how much olive oil and avocados are u suppose to eat on this diet? I have read his book and listen to several of his videos. On his first book he has evolved on some of his recommendations for apoe4s. So sorry if this is redundant.
Thank u for all ur help.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by TheresaB »

Welcome to our community Pat. I am a 4/4 patient of Dr Gundry. I became a patient of his because of my ApoE status and he's had more experience with this gene than any other practicing doctor that I'm aware of, not due to any cognitive decline or autoimmune issues, although I have always had a history of high cholesterol (I still have high total cholesterol, but with his diet I've gotten the important markers to where they should be, total cholesterol isn't one of those important markers). I have followed his diet for a few years now, so in addressing your question:
Pat95 wrote:I am not quite clear on how much olive oil and avocados are u suppose to eat on this diet?
You don’t HAVE to eat any avocado, but healthy fats are important, they help increase insulin sensitivity (especially important for ApoE4s), and avocados are a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat with little saturated fat content, Dr Gundry has found that saturated fat tends to raise sdLDL levels in ApoE4s, something that doesn't occur with non carriers, and sdLDL is the LDL that oxidizes and becomes problematic. Avocados can easily be added to recipes, smoothies and salads. My husband and I typically share an 8 oz container of plain guacamole (if chilies or tomatoes are added it’s not compliant) every day (we typically use sticks of raw jicama sticks to dip into the guac, the jicama is a source of resistant starch) and we split an avocado in our dinner salads every evening, so we eat approx one avocado each every day.

As far as olive oil, and I’m referring to quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) that has a bit of a “bite” to it, you should eat as much as you can. We cook with it (just not at very high temperatures or it will break down), we pour a generous amount of it on our large dinner salad along with quality balsamic vinegar (oil & vinegar salad dressing), we also drizzle it on some foods. Dr Gundry told us in our first consult that olive oil is our best friend, that unfiltered is best, that the polyphenols in it bind to oxidized cholesterol. Also, you always want to use olive oil in the year following the year it was pressed. Most European olive oil is pressed in the Oct-Dec time frame, all labels have two year expiration date, so want to subtract one year from the expiration date and use before that time. As Dr Gundry says in his presentation Dietary Management of the Apo E 4, “the only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth.”

For more info on Dr Gundry’s Protocol and the recommendations he has for ApoE4s, see the Wiki Dr Gundry's Protocol

Max Lugavere, a health and science journalist, wrote the book Genius Foods, which consolidates information he had learned as a result of helping his mom after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 58. In the book, his first chapter is Genius Food #1 - Extra Virgin Olive Oil. He discusses its anti-inflammatory qualities, the potential that it helps the brain clear amyloid plaque, that it protects the brain of decline. He, like Dr Gundry says it should be the main oil of a person’s diet.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by floramaria »

TheresaB wrote: Also, you always want to use olive oil in the year following the year it was pressed. Most European olive oil is pressed in the Oct-Dec time frame, all labels have two year expiration date, so want to subtract one year from the expiration date and use before that time.
Thanks, Teresa. If I had come across this info on the 2 year expiration date before, I hadn’t remembered it. I just went through and checked the labels on my olive oil. One unopened bottle is already past the 1 year mark. I appreciate this head’s up and will be doing more label checking in the future when I buy olive oil.
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Re: Dr. Steven Gundry with diet recommendations for ApoE4

Post by Pat95 »

Thank u so much for all ur help. Do u suggest a ketone meter? Especially at first? My niece who is a dietitian suggested to check ketones just before last meal of the day? Frequency especially at first? I do have the parameters that I need to be. I have also read the The End of Alzheimer's. I am working with a functional NP who knows about this diet but it's pretty much up to me to guide myself. She will do the appropriate tests. But I am pretty much on my own. I do also have Hashimotos, so I am trying to kill two birds with one stone! I am a retired Respiratory Therapist. So I do have a medical background. Again I really appreciate any and all info to help me maneuver thru this.
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