Beer's List No Longer Available to Consumers

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Beer's List No Longer Available to Consumers

Post by circular »

Good grief. The American Geriatrics Society, in apparent paternalistic glory (?), has taken the 2023 Beer's List of medications that increase the risk of dementia undercover. To view it, one has to register at their website and disclose their "Primary Affiliation and Title," effectively leaving this list out of the hands of the lay person. I wasn't inclined to go through the registration and lie about not having an affiliation.

Given the disgraceful incompetence of so many doctors when it comes to administering these everyday drugs (often more than one) to patients—let alone seniors we care for—I'm outraged at this move. Can anyone think of a good reason for them to do this that I can't think of? Given that the list recommends safer alternatives, there's not necessarily a risk that lay users themselves or loved ones whose care they manage will go without a needed treatment.

I doubt can have any influence over this group, but a public letter outing them for this misstep (unless I'm the one missing a step) would be at least educational for some readers. Maybe get the Alzheimer's Association, if they agree that lay people need access to this list, to co-write something?
ApoE 3/4 > Thanks in advance for any responses made to my posts.
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Re: Beer's List No Longer Available to Consumers

Post by NF52 »

circular wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:09 pm Good grief. The American Geriatrics Society, in apparent paternalistic glory (?), has taken the 2023 Beer's List of medications that increase the risk of dementia undercover. To view it, one has to register at their website and disclose their "Primary Affiliation and Title," effectively leaving this list out of the hands of the lay person. I wasn't inclined to go through the registration and lie about not having an affiliation.
Hi circular,

I was able to find the American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated AGS Beers Criteria® for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adult and open it using that link without registering. I noticed that this is a "pre-print" online before the actual journal comes out, so it possible you just tried before they got the online version up.

The article is 30 pages, but it looks like the link allows for easy scrolling to charts. the PDF below can be printed out, but from a quick look is in smaller font and maybe not as well formatted.
American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated AGS Beers Criteria® for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults.pdf

4/4 and still an optimist!
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Re: Beer's List No Longer Available to Consumers

Post by circular »

NF52 wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:32 am
circular wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:09 pm Good grief. The American Geriatrics Society, in apparent paternalistic glory (?), has taken the 2023 Beer's List of medications that increase the risk of dementia undercover. To view it, one has to register at their website and disclose their "Primary Affiliation and Title," effectively leaving this list out of the hands of the lay person. I wasn't inclined to go through the registration and lie about not having an affiliation.
Hi circular,

I was able to find the American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated AGS Beers Criteria® for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adult and open it using that link without registering. I noticed that this is a "pre-print" online before the actual journal comes out, so it possible you just tried before they got the online version up.

The article is 30 pages, but it looks like the link allows for easy scrolling to charts. the PDF below can be printed out, but from a quick look is in smaller font and maybe not as well formatted.
American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated AGS Beers Criteria® for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults.pdf

Thanks Nancy, for sorting that out and attending to my temper tantrum! I feel better. It just made no sense to put that behind a wall.

I went back to figure out how to access it. Now my only beef (or is it soybean ha!) is editorial. I wonder why they expect all visitors to think they have to first look at the Table of Contents before accessing the whole thing. I've just never seen that in a user interface, but it wouldn't be the first time if I'm behind in web publishing protocols.
ApoE 3/4 > Thanks in advance for any responses made to my posts.
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