Webinar - The Amyloid Illusion: Uncovering 20 Years of Failure in Alzheimer’s Drug Research

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Webinar - The Amyloid Illusion: Uncovering 20 Years of Failure in Alzheimer’s Drug Research

Post by TheresaB »

Topic: Is there evidence to support the use of anti-amyloid drugs for AD?

If interested in this Zoom webinar aimed at exploring 20 years of clinical research on anti-amyloid AD drugs, including those recently approved by the FDA, sign up here: https://alzint.com/register-webinar.html (scroll down to the registration form.)

When: Jul 29, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

I've attended the webinars sponsored by this oranization, Alzheimer International Society, before. In the past they've invited respectable, credible guest presenters to speak, and their webinars have been very informative. Also, they usually offer a recording of the webinar afterwards, but you need to register to gain access.
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