Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

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Re: Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

Post by TheresaB »

3rd quarter 2024

In addition to this website, we ( have a Facebook page followed by thousands where current research/articles or just thoughts of interest to ApoE4s are posted. The posts are available to all whether or not a person has a Facebook account.

Here are the Facebook posts/papers that generated the most interest during the third quarter (July - Sept) of 2024 in order of popularity.

Reminder: You must be logged into this site to see the graphics posted, but the links to the articles/papers/videos are accessible without logging in.

Date posted: Aug 25, 2024
24_08_25 Markers of inflammation.jpg
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Date posted: Sep 27, 2024
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A Holy Grail for ApoE4? ... 8cGLChvZug
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The Drug Discovery Lab at UCLA designed a drug candidate that is orally bioavailable, potent, brain penetrating, and highly effective at restoring the DNA activity that is otherwise blocked by ApoE4. This drug candidate could be taken for prevention as well as for treatment. To date, this candidate has shown no evidence of toxicity, and appears to be a superb prospect for human trials.

Date posted: Sep 3, 2024
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These 4 Neuroprotective Nutrients Can Help Reduce Your Dementia Risk ... apgu_XH9tw
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While genetics can play a role in the development of dementia, the risk of dementia doubles every five years after the age of 65. So It's never too early—or too late—to start protecting your brain and optimizing it for cognitive longevity.
This article breaks down four brain-critical nutrients you should be getting daily to help protect against dementia

Date posted: Jul 2, 2024
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The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins ... _RmO888w5A
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As hyperabsorbers, ApoE4s tend to have high cholesterol numbers and doctors often prescribe statins without even knowing a person’s APOE status. The author of this article is undisclosed and is only identified as a Midwestern Doctor, so take that for what it’s worth. Nevertheless, this is an interesting article with many things to consider in exploring causes of heart disease, injurious concerns associated with statins, and the authors preferred treatments. We’d like to hear your thoughts on this article or if you have any information on the author.

Date posted: Sept 25, 2024
24_09_25 Bredesen 7 for neuroplasticity.jpg
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The Bredesen 7 for neuroplasticity : Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Stress, Stimulation, Detox, Supplements.
To learn more, visit Dr Bredesen’s Apollo Health website

Date posted: Jul 7, 2024
24_07_07 inflamm-aging.jpg
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Research suggests that inflamm-aging may be why we’re more likely to develop health conditions as we get older.
Acute inflammation is vital for the body’s healing process. However, chronic inflammation can trigger a variety of common diseases that appear as we get older, including Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
By managing chronic inflammation with healthy lifestyle habits, you may avoid or slow the progression of inflammation-related chronic conditions.

Date posted: Jul 15, 2024
24_07_15 cognitive impairment fm lifelong events.jpg
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You can't change the past, but the brain is plastic, which means the brain has a unique ability to change, and today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Date posted: Aug 2, 2024
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Vegan diet may slow aging ... cgmmHrFHTw
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ApoE4s don’t seem to age as well as our non-carrier brethren. A recent BMC Medicine study investigated whether vegan and omnivorous diets differentially impact an individual's epigenetic clock.
The current single-site, randomized, and parallel-group dietary intervention trial compared the effects of healthy vegan and omnivorous diets by analyzing blood DNA methylation patterns, age-related risk factors, and health biomarkers in healthy twins.

Date posted: Jul 2, 2024
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The Path Bill Gates Sees to Overcoming Alzheimer’s Biggest Remaining Challenges ... 2bjy7RsMOg
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Much of the wealth Bill Gates has amassed as founder of Microsoft has gone to charity.
Gates has focused his philanthropy largely on some of the most intractable health problems, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and childhood vaccination. In recent years, he has turned to Alzheimer’s disease, starting with diagnostics and more recently expanding to proteomics and healthcare programs related to the disease.

Date posted: Aug 15, 2024
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Significant link found between heme iron, found in red meat and other animal products, and type 2 diabetes risk ... PSfwuB4OpQ
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We’ve posted repeatedly on the importance for ApoE4s to maintain insulin sensitivity. Type 2 Diabetes is insulin resistance at its final progression. While the paper discussed in this article has limitations, the paper found higher intake of heme iron, the type found in red meat and other animal products was associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This connection has been reported previously, but this study's findings more clearly establish and explain the link.

Date posted: Aug 24, 2024
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Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’ ... heuWCDaOBQ
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Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight.

Date posted: Sep 8, 2024
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4 Benefits Of Regular Sauna Use, From Brain Health To Longevity ... HSyvDjOo3k
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Both neurologist Dale Bredesen, M.D., author of "The End of Alzheimer's", and energy specialist Ari Whitten, author of "Eat for Energy", sing the praises of the mighty sauna.

Date posted: Jul 31, 2024
24_07_31 Thomas Edison on doctor of the future.jpg
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The famous inventor Thomas Edison said this quote in 1903, over 100 years ago. While there's been some progress in this area, this quote could have easily been from yesterday.

Date posted: Aug 23, 2024
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The Best Time to Take Omega-3s for Maximum Absorption, According to Experts ... nt-8698419
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Omega-3s are important for brain health and evidence is mounting that E4 carriers need more Omega-3s than non-carriers. This article addresses how to optimize Omega-3 supplements. Of note, there’s a small population of ApoE4s that should stick with obtaining their Omega-3s via fish consumption, not supplementation (just stay away from large fish, since they are at the top of the food chain, they have the highest levels of the neurotoxin mercury). If you have a male relative who suffered a stroke, be suspicious that it may have been Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA), which ApoE4s are at greater risk for. So ApoE4 carriers (especially males) with male family history of stroke, may want to avoid fish oil supplements since it thins the blood. Same caution with any medication that thins the blood.
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ALSO, just published and added to the Wiki in the last quarter:

35 just published items that specifically address ApoE4 can be found in the wiki: A deeper dive into ApoE4

Alcohol consumption
• podcast #92 The Truth About Alcohol: Risks, Benefits, and Everything In-Between | Dr. Rhonda Patrick posted 2 July 2024

ApoE ε4 and health conditions besides (or maybe contributing to) Alzheimer’s
Herpes zoster and long-term risk of subjective cognitive decline (Tian-Shin Yeh et al, 14 August 2024)

Beneficial (and some negative) Plant/Natural Chemicals
Exploring the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease and the Efficacy of Antioxidant Treatment (Talin Gogna et al, 20 Sept 2024)
Plant Extracts as Emerging Modulators of Neuroinflammation and Immune Receptors in Alzheimer's Pathogenesis (Intisar E. Mohamed et al, 10 Aug 2024)
Platycodon grandiflorum root extract inhibits Aβ deposition by breaking the vicious circle linking oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease (Yunkwon Nam et al, August 2024)

Cannabinoids: CBD, CBN, CBG, THC etc. Also HEMP & Marijuana (Cannabis)
Cannabidiol, a plant-derived compound, is an emerging strategy for treating cognitive impairments: comprehensive review of randomized trials (Adriana Yndart Arias et al, 10 September 2024)
Acute effects of cannabigerol on anxiety, stress, and mood: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, field trial (Carrie Cuttler et al, 13 July 2024)

Circadian Rhythm
Circadian rhythms in cardiovascular (dys)function: approaches for future therapeutics (Margaux Lecacheur et al, 23 Sep 2024)

Exercise - Types, Lengths, and Benefits
Long-Term Improvement in Hippocampal-Dependent Learning Ability in Healthy, Aged Individuals Following High Intensity Interval Training (Daniel G. Blackmore et al, 8 Jul 2024)
Exercise mitigates a gut microbiota-mediated reduction in adult hippocampal neurogenesis and associated behaviours in rats (Sarah Nicolas et al, 24 April 2024)

Fats, Omega -3(ω-3) & -6(ω-6), DHA and More
ω-3 PUFA for Secondary Prevention of White Matter Lesions and Neuronal Integrity Breakdown in Older Adults A Randomized Clinical Trial (Lynne H. Shinto et al, 1 Aug 2024)

Gut-Brain Connection: Leaky Gut/Leaky Brain, Microbiome (gut bugs)
• YouTube presentation: Targeting Gut Dysbiosis in APOE4 Carriers Strategies for Mitigating Alzheimer's Disease Risk & summary slide
The Gut Microbiome-Neuroglia Axis: Implications for Brain Health, Inflammation, and Disease (Josué Camberos-Barraza et al, 1 Aug 2024)
Association between butyrate-producing gut bacteria and the risk of infectious disease hospitalisation: results from two observational, population-based microbiome studies (Robert F J Kullberg et al, 20 June 2024)

Insulin Resistance
Integration of epidemiological and blood biomarker analysis links haem iron intake to increased type 2 diabetes risk (Fenglei Wang et al, 13 Aug 2024)

Non-white or non-European descent
Epidemiology and prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in American Indians: Data from the Strong Heart Study (Astrid M. Suchy-Dicey, 15 May 2024)

Exploring resveratrol against Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease through integrating network pharmacology, bioinformatics, and experimental validation strategy in vitro (Jinpu Wu et al, 13 Sep 2024)

Sleep, 24-Hour Activity Rhythms, and Subsequent Amyloid-β Pathology (Phuong Thuy Nguyen Ho et al, 24 Jun 2024)
Sleep duration, chronotype, health and lifestyle factors affect cognition: a UK Biobank cross-sectional study (Raha West et al, 10 Jul 2024)
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Re: Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

Post by TheresaB »

Below are the research papers that specifically addressed APOE4 and were published in the last quarter (October – December 2024).

The abstracts of each paper and links to full paper access and can be found in the wiki: A deeper dive into ApoE4

These do not necessarily represent every single paper that has been published, if you are aware of an APOE4 specific research paper, feel free to add it, it's a wiki.

December 2024
  • Proteome profiling of cerebrospinal fluid using machine learning shows a unique protein signature associated with APOE4 genotype

    Unraveling APOE4's Role in Alzheimer's Disease: Pathologies and Therapeutic Strategies

    APOE4 Increases Susceptibility to Amyloid, Accelerating Episodic Memory Decline

    Increased cerebrospinal fluid and plasma apoE glycosylation is associated with reduced levels of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers

    APOE4 alters the lipid droplet proteome and modulates droplet dynamics

    Hormone replacement therapy, menopausal age and lifestyle variables are associated with better cognitive performance at follow-up but not cognition over time in older-adult women irrespective of APOE4 carrier status and co-morbidities

    Apolipoprotein E dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: a study on miRNA regulation, glial markers, and amyloid pathology

    Differential effects of aging, Alzheimer's pathology, and APOE4 on longitudinal functional connectivity and episodic memory in older adults

    The Landscape of Sex- and APOE Genotype-Specific Transcriptional Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease at the Single Cell Level

    Urinary Metal Levels, Cognitive Test Performance, and Dementia in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

November 2024
  • Tlr7 drives sex differences in age- and Alzheimer’s disease–related demyelination

    Loss of Endothelial APOE4 Dysregulates Neural Function In Vivo

    APOE4 and age affect the brain entorhinal cortex structure and blood arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid levels after mild TBI

    Correlation between the APOE ε4 genotype, lifestyle habits, and cognitive deficits in Chinese adults over 60: a cross-sectional analysis in China

    Skeletal muscle proteome differs between young APOE3 and APOE4 targeted replacement mice in a sex-dependent manner

    Editorial: APOE4-associated heterogeneity in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease

    Are oligodendrocytes the missing link in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia research?

    Csf Α-Synuclein Aggregation is Associated with Apoe Ε4 and Progressive Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease

    Large-scale Deep Proteomic Analysis in Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Regions Across Race and Ethnicity

    Associations between sex and lifestyle activities with cognitive reserve in mid-life adults with genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease

    Decreased lipidated ApoE-receptor interactions confer protection against pathogenicity of ApoE and its lipid cargoes in lysosomes

    Therapeutic Challenges Derived from the Interaction Among Apolipoprotein E, Cholesterol, and Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Disease

    APOE ε4 and Dietary Patterns in Relation to Cognitive Function: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews

    Microglia depletion reduces human neuronal APOE4-related pathologies in a chimeric Alzheimer’s disease model

October 2024
  • APOE4 poses opposite effects of plasma LDL on white matter integrity in older adults

    APOE Genotype and Biological Age Impact Inter-Omic Associations Related to Bioenergetics

    APOE 𝜀4-related blood–brain barrier breakdown is associated with microstructural abnormalities

    Influence of APOE4 genotype on PCSK9-lipids association in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of patients in the Alzheimer's disease continuum

    Spotlight on the Pathophysiological Trajectories Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB); Neuroinflammation; APOE4 Allele and AD- Insulin Resistance (IR) Pathogenic Link

    TOMM40-APOE chimera linking Alzheimer’s highest risk genes: a new pathway for mitochondria regulation and APOE4 pathogenesis

    APOE4 impacts cortical neurodevelopment and alters network formation in human brain organoids

    Genetic and clinical correlates of two neuroanatomical AI dimensions in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum

    Quantitative Assessment of Conformational Heterogeneity in Apolipoprotein E4 Using Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry

    Pathways to Alzheimer’s Disease: The Intersecting Roles of Clusterin and Apolipoprotein E in Amyloid-β Regulation and Neuronal Health

    APOE4 and Infectious Diseases Jointly Contribute to Brain Glucose Hypometabolism, a Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Pathology: New Findings from the ADNI
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Re: Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

Post by TheresaB »

4TH quarter 2024

In addition to this website, we ( have a Facebook page followed by thousands where current research/articles or just thoughts of interest to ApoE4s are posted. The posts are available to all whether or not a person has a Facebook account.

Here are the Facebook posts/papers that generated the most interest during the fourth quarter (Oct - Dec) of 2024 in order of popularity.

Reminder: You must be logged into this site to see the graphics posted, but the links to the articles/papers/videos are accessible without logging in.

Date posted: Dec 18, 2024
Article/paper posted & link:
Dementia Incidence Linked to Inflammatory Foods ... EEfft5Mtog
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APOE4s are known to be pro-inflammatory. Investigators evaluated data from 1,487 participants who were aged 60 and over and didn’t have dementia at the start of the study. About 22% of the people were APOE4 carriers. This paper found inflammatory dietary habits linked to 84% higher risk of dementia. The study tracked Dietary Inflammatory Index scores measured at three time points over 10 years.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine (link in comments), top inflammatory foods:
• Red meat, such as steak and hamburgers
• Processed meat, such as bologna, bacon, sausage and lunchmeat
• Commercial baked goods such as snack cakes, pies, cookies and brownies
• Bread and pasta made with white flour
• Deep fried items such as French fries, fried chicken and donuts
• Foods high in added sugar, such as candy, jelly and syrup
• Sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, bottled or canned tea drinks, and sports drinks
• Trans fats, found in margarine, microwave popcorn, refrigerated biscuits and dough, and nondairy coffee creamers
And in comments
The list of top inflammatory foods in the post is from Johns Hopkins Medicine, "Anti Inflammatory Diet", here's the link for more information. ... atory-diet

Date posted: Oct 2, 2024
Hippocrates Illness do not come out of the blue.jpg
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Date posted: Oct 14, 2024
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This Habit Has Been Considered "Healthy" For A Long Time, But Now Some Longevity Experts Are Warning Against It ... -c2ZR8ATLg
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A number of papers have found APOE4s to be longevity challenged. There’s one well-intentioned habit in particular that longevity experts say can take years off your life instead of adding more to it: eating too much animal-based protein. Thought a high-protein diet was a good thing? As doctors explain here, getting too much can backfire.

Date posted: Oct 21, 2024
Ede can't chg genes can chg diet & mind.jpg
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Date posted: Dec 27, 2024
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Eating red meat may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes—not a lot of people know that ... eiwSVk8dTw
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Red meat has been a part of diets worldwide since early man. It is an excellent source of protein, vitamins (such as B vitamins) and minerals (such as iron and zinc). However, red meat has long been associated with increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer, early death and now type 2 diabetes.

Date posted: Dec 26, 2024
Bredesen become your own advocate.jpg
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New Year’s resolution idea: take charge of your cognitive health and be your own advocate.

Date posted: Nov 5, 2024
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You might be overdoing it on protein and not getting enough of another vital nutrient, dietitians say ... wvY87TAD7g
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Protein is a little more complicated than social media makes it out to be, dietitians tell Fortune—and the obsession is distracting people from meeting other vital nutritional needs.

Date posted: Dec 15, 2024
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Diets That Reduce Brain Iron May Delay Cognitive Decline ... RU5-tGYL-A
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Summary: New research suggests that certain nutrients may lower iron buildup in the brain, a factor linked to cognitive decline in aging. Excess non-heme iron, which accumulates over time, contributes to oxidative stress and can impair memory and executive function.
Over three years, participants with higher intake of antioxidants, vitamins, and iron-chelating nutrients showed less brain iron accumulation and better cognitive performance. These findings highlight the potential of diets like the Mediterranean or DASH to support brain health and combat age-related cognitive decline.

Date posted: Oct 23, 2024
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The Human Mind Isn't Meant to Be Awake After Midnight, Scientists Warn ... u4h3IhYXWw
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We’ve repeatedly stressed the importance of being in sync with your body’s circadian rhythm as disruption can lead to multiple health concerns. Some researchers think the human circadian rhythm is heavily involved in human emotions. Their hypothesis, called 'Mind After Midnight', suggests the human body and the human mind follow a natural 24-hour cycle of activity with negative emotions outweighing positive emotions after midnight.

Date posted: Dec 23, 2024
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Hormone replacement therapy, menopausal age and lifestyle variables are associated with better cognitive performance at follow-up but not cognition over time in older-adult women irrespective of APOE4 carrier status and co-morbidities ... xamWCcvCpg
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"The impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on cognitive function in postmenopausal women remains a topic of considerable debate. ... Two regression models were employed: one analyzing cognitive performance at follow-up and another examining changes in cognitive scores over time. ... These findings suggest that while HRT, menopausal age and lifestyle factors may support cognitive stability, they do not necessarily predict cognitive decline in post-menopausal older women. ... The study underscores the need for longer follow-up periods, consideration of other female-specific risk factors, and more comprehensive lifestyle and health assessments to clarify the complex interplay between HRT use, reproductive history, lifestyle, comorbidities and cognitive aging in women."

Date posted: Dec 4, 2024
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Ketone Bodies Clear Damaged Proteins in the Brain ... ZYiWagS2bg
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Summary: Ketone bodies, known for their role in energy metabolism during fasting, have been shown to directly interact with damaged proteins in the brain, aiding their clearance through autophagy. Researchers discovered that the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate alters the solubility of misfolded proteins, facilitating their removal and reducing pathological aggregation.

Date posted: Dec 2, 2024
Bredesen order to reverse cognitive decline.jpg
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Dr Bredesen’s order for reversing cognitive decline

Date posted: Dec 9, 2024
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Hidden fat predicts Alzheimer's 20 years ahead of symptoms ... F6ZGcPBJ8A
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Researchers have linked a specific type of body fat to the abnormal proteins in the brain that are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease up to 20 years before the earliest symptoms of dementia appear, according to a new study. The researchers emphasized that lifestyle modifications targeted at reducing this fat could influence the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Date posted: Dec 22, 2024
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Alzheimer’s disease mortality among taxi and ambulance drivers: population based cross sectional study ... h5TDZQT0Mw
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The part of the brain called the hippocampus is important for spatial memory and navigation and is one of the first brain regions to atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. This study investigates deaths from Alzheimer’s disease amongst people with occupations that demand frequent spatial and navigational processing.

Date posted: Nov 22, 2024
Picard not genes, disease risks.jpg
Prof Martin Picard is a leading proponent of mitochondrial psychobiology (a phrase he coined), an emerging field that examines how psychological states like stress influence mitochondrial functions, which in turn influence mental and physical health.
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Re: Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

Post by floramaria »

TheresaB wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:59 am 4TH quarter 2024
Thank you, Theresa, for compiling these resources!
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
IFM/ Bredesen Training in Reversing Cognitive Decline (March 2017)
ReCODE 2.0 Health Coach with Apollo Health
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Re: Top articles / recent research & helpful thoughts for ApoE4s

Post by TheresaB »

Below are the research papers that specifically addressed APOE4 and were published in January 2025

The abstracts of each paper and links to full paper access and can be found in the wiki: A deeper dive into ApoE4

These do not necessarily represent every single paper that has been published, if you are aware of an APOE4 specific research paper, feel free to add it, it's a wiki.
  • APOE4 and sedentary lifestyle synergistically impair neurovascular function in the visual cortex of awake mice
  • Suppressing APOE4-induced neural pathologies by targeting the VHL–HIF axis
  • Multi-functional role of apolipoprotein E in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Oral microbiome and nitric oxide biomarkers in older people with mild cognitive impairment and APOE4 genotype
  • Apolipoprotein E3 and E4 isoforms exhibit differing effects in countering endotoxins
  • Cerebral Microbleeds and Amyloid Pathology Estimates From the Amyloid Biomarker Study
  • Developing multifactorial dementia prediction models using clinical variables from cohorts in the US and Australia
  • The impact of APOE4 on neurological symptoms after exposure to K. brevis neurotoxin
  • Lipid-protecting disulfide bridges are the missing molecular link between ApoE4 and sporadic Alzheimers disease in humans
  • Modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults differ by sex and APOE4
  • Apolipoprotein E ε4 exacerbates microglia-mediated complement-dependent synapse loss caused by neuronal Tpk deficiency
  • Hormone replacement therapy, menopausal age and lifestyle variables are associated with better cognitive performance at follow-up but not cognition over time in older-adult women irrespective of APOE4 carrier status and co-morbidities
  • CRISPRi-based screens in iAssembloids to elucidate neuron-glia interactions
  • Menopausal hormone therapy is associated with worse levels of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in APOE ε4-carrying women: An observational study
  • Investigating the APOE4-associated heterogeneity of imaging biomarkers across AD diagnostic stages
  • ApoE4 Status Moderates the Association between Vascular Risks, Cerebral Perfusion and Cognitive Performance in a Southeast Asian Populatio
  • APOE4 and infectious diseases jointly contribute to brain glucose hypometabolism, a biomarker of Alzheimer’s pathology: New findings from the ADNI
  • Sex-dependent APOE4 neutrophil-microglia interactions drive cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's Disease
  • Reducing APOE4 in carriers is a therapeutic goal for Alzheimer Disease: Report of the APOE4 National Institute on Aging (NIA) /Alzheimer Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) Consortium Working Group
  • Connection between APOE4 and tau is mediated via amyloid-beta and Alzheimer’s co-pathologies in human autopsy brains
  • Retinal dysfunction in APOE4 knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
  • Discovery of Isobavachin, a natural flavonoid, as an Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) structure corrector for Alzheimer's disease
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