Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Tincup »

Computer15 wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:04 pm I have finished Dr Brendsen’s second book and it’s a lot of information.

Is there a link to a simplified guide to which supplements are imperative to start taking as there are so many in the book.

Also it seems like this book has so many more labs that are suggested to be drawn than on the Apollo health site.

My muscle composition is low based on 23 and me and I am already very skinny, in his book the amount of protein is very little. Is there variances for different genes/body types and if so what is the best protein powder supplement.
Here is a quote from the "program" book
Ensure that you’re getting enough protein in your diet (review the suggestions in chapter 10). Your body cannot synthesize or store the protein it needs for essential body functions. You should include it in your diet, or your body may cannibalize your muscles—not good! While you are healing your digestive system and recovering from toxic exposures, you may have additional protein requirements. Equally important is adequate stomach acid to ensure proper digestion of protein.

Bredesen, Dale. The End of Alzheimer's Program (pp. 98-99). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Many healthy people can limit animal protein consumption to 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass (LBM) per day, with the understanding that actual protein needs for each person are highly individualized. (Detailed instructions for determining your protein needs can be found in chapter 12.) Depending upon your starting place, you may need more protein initially, as you work to heal underlying damage, transitioning to less as you heal. It’s important to identify your personalized protein needs by being aware that specific groups of people may need more protein: Those with chronic GI issues, including GERD (especially those using PPIs and other antacids), SIBO, IBS, etc. Those diagnosed with type 3 (“toxic”) Alzheimer’s Those with underlying illness, active infections, and recovering from surgery

Bredesen, Dale. The End of Alzheimer's Program (pp. 152-153). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Those over age 65, especially those with marked muscle loss Those with suboptimal BMIs (below 18.5 for women and below 19.0 for men) Those who engage in rigorous sports or physically demanding work Be aware that not everyone who falls into these categories automatically needs more dietary protein. This is especially true for those who are healthy, have optimized GI digestion (especially adequate stomach acid), and are actively encouraging muscle growth through daily challenging movement. If you fall into one or more of the bulleted categories above, increase your dietary protein by 10 to 20 percent beyond our recommendations, to 1.1 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass, until you can address the specific root cause of whatever is causing you to have an increased need for or insufficient metabolism of protein, with the ultimate goal of working toward our recommended amount.

Bredesen, Dale. The End of Alzheimer's Program (p. 153). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Per the above, you could go up 10-20% beyond the 1.1 to 1.2 g/kg, that would be 1.44 g/kg. From my perspective, getting your protein in boluses >= 30g at a time (if from animal sources, including fish) or a larger bolus from veg sources. This is to trigger muscle protein synthesis (assuming also doing resistance training for synthesis as well). For more detail on this see this podcast with protein researcher Don Layman, PhD.
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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

My muscle composition is low based on 23 and me and I am already very skinny, in his book the amount of protein is very little. Is there variances for different genes/body types and if so what is the best protein powder supplement.
Kudos for being so proactive! Keep in mind that Dr. Bredesen's protein restrictions (0.8-1.0g/kg LBM for healthy people) only apply to animal protein, not protein from plants. So, may not be as low as you initially thought. Also, those who are underweight (etc.) are encouraged to have higher amounts 1.1-1.2g/kg LMB. He prefers that we get our protein from whole food. His favorites are low mercury, wild-caught seafood (for DHA) and pastured eggs (for choline). But, if you must do a shake, 100% help is the only powder he recommends.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Thank you so much Juile!

I feel very overwhelmed with all of this information and like I should read the book 15 more times. I always considered myself a very healthy person and ate that way also but this is another extreme.

Two questions
First is there a brand he recommends for the 💯 hemp protein as lots of others have awful things or metals in them.

2nd I feel like I need help w this journey but the Apollo program is so expensive. I have four young kids that cost a fortune. Are there any trials I could get into under Brendsen that could help get me started on the right track. I am very type A and motivated so following diet, exercise, etc is easy once I know what to do. I know my age excludes me but honestly I don’t understand that as my mother is fully demented at age 72 and literally went from fully functional to non functional in a matter of less than 4 years.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

Dr. Bredesen likes Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein for purity, quality, and price. It has a slightly gritty mouthfeel so is best used in a smoothie.

I will be on the lookout for trials with younger members. In the meantime, many in our community are applying the protocol without Apollo Health. It is possible and we are here to support you. One way to start would be to do basic labs to determine your baseline and figure out where you need to focus your efforts. Then begin applying the Bredesen Seven (seven dietary & lifestyle foundational strategies), which you can learn about here.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Thank you so much!!! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I am so thankful my friend told me about this book before I got my results back from 23 and me or I would have been a mess without this group and the hope that I can change my destiny with a different outcome than my poor mothers.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Hi Julie
I saw my neurologist yesterday for a follow up apt from my initial neurophysch eval over a year ago because I was experiencing a lack of finding words etc. Long before I did my 23andMe. I was incredibly disappointed that he spoke so poorly about Brendsen book and diet and also said that 23andMe is not accurate. Can you please comment on this???
Thank you
Merry Christmas 🎄
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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

Hi Julie
I saw my neurologist yesterday for a follow up apt from my initial neurophysch eval over a year ago because I was experiencing a lack of finding words etc. Long before I did my 23andMe. I was incredibly disappointed that he spoke so poorly about Brendsen book and diet and also said that 23andMe is not accurate. Can you please comment on this???
Thank you
Merry Christmas 🎄
23andMe claims to be greater than 99% accurate, but feel free to check your status to be sure. I independently re-tested and my 4/4 status was confirmed. Sadly, the vast majority of neurologists are still using Pharma exclusively and most don't even mention the benefit of identifying and addressing known contributors like insulin resistance, sleep apnea, nutrient deficiencies etc, much less the benefits of optimizing diet and lifestyle. As more evidence is accumulated, I'm hopeful that will change. Ideally we'll see a confluence of both approaches trialed (anti-amyloid drugs after the contributors have been addressed) in our lifetime.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

This neurologist is very pro naturopathic so I was quite surprised. I just got my heavy metals test back and have found out that I am within normal range but have high arsenic. Any idea what could be causing this or what I can do to help. I don’t eat cereal or any seafood. I was consuming a lot of protein powder could it have come from that maybe. I also found out that my hormones are a mess so I am seeing a hormone naturopath and hoping she can order some of these other tests for me. As my concierge doesn’t seem interested in ordering them or caring about optimal ranges.l just within normal range.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Hi Julie,

Can you give recommendations on the most important supplements everyone should be taking. Dr. Brendsen's book goes over so many.

Thank you,

Computer 15
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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

Can you give recommendations on the most important supplements everyone should be taking. Dr. Brendsen's book goes over so many.
As you know, this is a HUGE topic and best addressed via personalized medicine. Have you done any baseline laboratory testing? It would be really helpful to know your inflammatory, vitamin D, homocysteine, and omega-3 status as starting points.
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