Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by RhinoZeb »

I was diagnosed with MCI August 2020 at age 59 and I'm 4/4. June 2021, I started Dr. Bredesen "The End of Alzheimer's program". I have followed the program with minimal cheating and work out 3 times a week. I have lost apx. 35lbs and my cognitive test I took a few weeks ago has gone up 2 points. The one thing I did wrong was not starting to exercise immediately and lost too much muscle.

I would recommend to anyone to purchase Dr. Bredesen's book on Amazon and start the program immediately.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Jan18 »

Julie G wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:00 pm Dr. Bredesen likes Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein for purity, quality, and price. It has a slightly gritty mouthfeel so is best used in a smoothie.
Found this old thread. At my age and with the amount of calories I need to eat to lose a pound a week, I'm finding it hard to up my protein without eating too much animal. (In fact, I'm looking into going vegan....)

My question is does Dr. B still recommend this protein powder if we need to supplement protein?

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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

I was diagnosed with MCI August 2020 at age 59 and I'm 4/4. June 2021, I started Dr. Bredesen "The End of Alzheimer's program". I have followed the program with minimal cheating and work out 3 times a week. I have lost apx. 35lbs and my cognitive test I took a few weeks ago has gone up 2 points. The one thing I did wrong was not starting to exercise immediately and lost too much muscle.

I would recommend to anyone to purchase Dr. Bredesen's book on Amazon and start the program immediately.
Kudos on your weight loss and health improvements. You're an inspiration!
Found this old thread. At my age and with the amount of calories I need to eat to lose a pound a week, I'm finding it hard to up my protein without eating too much animal. (In fact, I'm looking into going vegan....)

My question is does Dr. B still recommend this protein powder if we need to supplement protein?
Yes, this is his recommended brand of hemp powder. When deciding which type of diet you'll follow, I'd encourage you to examine your goals. If brain health is your biggest concern, perhaps going 100% vegan wouldn't be the best choice. Dr. Bredesen recommends a plant-rich diet combined with specific animal proteins for optimal brain support. See KetoFLEX 12/3 for Vegans and Vegetarians to learn more. The End of Alzheimer's Program has additional details including specific macro and micronutrient goals.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Hi Julie
I have had some of the tests done but finding it difficult to get my doctor to do all of them and interpreting the data is difficult to as the results numbers differ from the book tk some degree.
I am seeing a naturopath who specializes In hormones Friday and hoping she will do all the tests. If she is not, which tests are the most important to do first?

I have had the heavy metals test which found higher rhan normal levels of arsenic??? Maybe the protein powder
My hormones are out of wack
My cholesterol is a little high in some areas but he was not concerned. This is what I mean, he doesn’t worry if it’s within range. The brendsen doctors are so expensive, so how do I find one that will follow to the t the brendsen book.

Also waiting for results on gut test.

Also having a very hard time finding nutiva 100 hemp it’s out of stock everywhere any suggestions.

Thank you for helping me navigate this journey!!!
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

Also having a very hard time finding nutiva 100 hemp it’s out of stock everywhere any suggestions.
Are you looking locally? I see that it's available at Vitacost and Amazon.
My cholesterol is a little high in some areas but he was not concerned. This is what I mean, he doesn’t worry if it’s within range. The brendsen doctors are so expensive, so how do I find one that will follow to the t the brendsen book.
Lots of us are doing the protocol without formally-trained ReCODE 2.0 doctors. Apollo Health lists all of the labs for their PreCODE (prevention) Program and ReCODE (early-stage reversal) Program. You could ask your naturopath to order them for you. Or, depending on which state you live in, you could order the labs yourself from an organization such as Life Extension or Quest Labs using the goals listed in the End of Alzheimer's Program.
I have had the heavy metals test which found higher rhan normal levels of arsenic??? Maybe the protein powder
Maybe? Here is a good article that discusses possible sources and how to minimize them.
Thank you for helping me navigate this journey!!!
We're all on the same journey, my friend! You're doing a great job of getting started. Keep sharing as we all learn from one another.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

I saw my mom’s doctor today, Dr, Marwan Sabbagh, he has been on this site as I saw his video on here. He has agreed to take me on as a patient due to my mom’s very early progression and incredibly quick progression.
He mentioned umethod health they do all tests and then make recommendations on supplements. Have you heard of this??

Do you know of any long term care insurance anyone can recommend he wanted me to get that established before I see him.

He also gave me a couple websites that look amazing, have not dug into all of them in depth but one I signed up for a study where I do tests to strengthen my brain.

You are prob familiar but in case you are not

Brain health registry
Alzheimer prevention registry

I also for the first time today took my fasting blood glide which was 85 and checked my ketone level which was 0.5 and I had been fasting for 15 hours. According to the book w 4/4 i should be at 1 or higher. I already and have been taking MCT oil just bc I was told it’s good for my brain/health. Any recommendations on how I can achieve a higher ketone level.

Where can I find more info on what I should be eating to reach ketosis. I am not eating many carbs if any in a day. Sometimes I will have an almond flour tortilla but that is usually it

The book lists many more tests than what’s on the recode recommendation, so you think I should just start with that list? I go tomorrow so I will ask her as I am sure she will do blood work to get baseline on my hormones to get them in check.

Thank you for your help it’s just so much information, it’s overwhelming and honestly I have zero time with 4 kiddos working full time and still trying to get workouts in daily.
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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

I saw my mom’s doctor today, Dr, Marwan Sabbagh, he has been on this site as I saw his video on here. He has agreed to take me on as a patient due to my mom’s very early progression and incredibly quick progression.
He mentioned umethod health they do all tests and then make recommendations on supplements. Have you heard of this??
Yes, Dr. Sabbagh is on the scientific advisory board for uMethod. This was one of Dr. Bredesen's earlier companies. They're essentially using his initial approach (MEND) without applying the more current discoveries. It looks interesting, quite similar to Apollo Health where Dr. Bredesen serves as the chief science officer. If you decide to move forward, please let us know what you find out in terms of costs, etc.
Do you know of any long term care insurance anyone can recommend he wanted me to get that established before I see him.
Yes, he's aware that you won't be able to procure this once he enters any of your cognitive concerns or E4 data into your health record. Check with any company that offers LTC. I know that Genworth has traditionally been one of the bigger players.
He also gave me a couple websites that look amazing, have not dug into all of them in depth but one I signed up for a study where I do tests to strengthen my brain.

You are prob familiar but in case you are not

Brain health registry
Alzheimer prevention registry
Yes, we've discussed all of these websites here. Use our search engine to learn more.
The book lists many more tests than what’s on the recode recommendation, so you think I should just start with that list? I go tomorrow so I will ask her as I am sure she will do blood work to get baseline on my hormones to get them in check.
That's the list Dr. Bredesen starts with and only orders additional tests as needed.
Where can I find more info on what I should be eating to reach ketosis. I am not eating many carbs if any in a day. Sometimes I will have an almond flour tortilla but that is usually it
Vegetables, full of phytonutrients, contain carbs. The goal isn't to stop eating carbs, but to choose healthier carb options. See Not Your Daddy's Keto to learn more about Dr. Bredesen's diet.
Thank you for your help it’s just so much information, it’s overwhelming and honestly I have zero time with 4 kiddos working full time and still trying to get workouts in daily.
Yes, especially with kids still at home I'm sure that your time is limited. For that reason, you may want to join a program, such as that offered by uMethod or Apollo Health to help you navigate your journey. A DIY option requires more time and dedication to self-educate that you may not have. Please keep us posted on your progress.
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

Hi Julie

I finally found a doctor that would order my labs. Going today. Do you have a recommendation of a health coach that is not super expensive that can help me with the food to eat. Or a cook book the site you gave me from Apollo has a picture I need more than that. I know there is a list of doctors and health coaches. Just didn’t know if you had one or two you really liked.

My insulin was 85 fasting and ketone 0.5 after Christmas. Now my fasting insulin is 115 and my ketones 0.2 and 0.3. I am not sure why I am still fasting 16 hours most days and eating pretty well. I have had some alcohol the last couple weeks with new years and parties. Could that be causing it to be out of wack?
I definitely think I need some guidance on my diet to get started.

Thank you
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Computer15 »

I am following this diet and my blood glucose levels are going up even higher. Today fasting was 145 mg/dl.
Any advice on what I am doing wrong???? I am getting frustrated as I am loosing weight and do not feel better and my fasting glucose continues to increase.
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Julie G
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Re: Announcing a Personalized Precision Medicine Clinical Trial to Reverse Dementia

Post by Julie G »

I finally found a doctor that would order my labs. Going today. Do you have a recommendation of a health coach that is not super expensive that can help me with the food to eat. Or a cook book the site you gave me from Apollo has a picture I need more than that. I know there is a list of doctors and health coaches. Just didn’t know if you had one or two you really liked.
Have you seen our wiki of ApoE4-aware health coaches? If you want to follow Dr. Bredesen's protocol, I would recommend working with someone who is ReCODE 2.0 certified.
I am following this diet and my blood glucose levels are going up even higher. Today fasting was 145 mg/dl.
Any advice on what I am doing wrong???? I am getting frustrated as I am loosing weight and do not feel better and my fasting glucose continues to increase.
I'm sorry to hear this. Can you generally describe what you're eating? It might be a good idea to work with a nutritionist or dietician who can help you sort things out.
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