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What happened to 23andMe forums? (Any lawyers here who can help?)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:20 pm
by Brian4
I just went to look for the 23andMe discussion forums. It appears they were shut down in 2021: --

"However the 23andMe Forums were shut down on Sept 6, 2021."

Julie and I and another member had extensive discussion there, which constitute the pre-history of I hope we can get copies of what we wrote. We each put a huge amount of time into those discussions.

I have written to 23andMe about this. I will let everyone know what I learn.

If anyone has tried to get copies of their posts to the old 23andMe forums, please let us know. Thanks.


Re: What happened to 23andMe forums?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:32 am
by Brian4
23andMe replied that they cannot get me copies of the huge volume of my posts.

We should sue them for destroying our data.

Any lawyers want to help with this?

Re: What happened to 23andMe forums?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:20 am
by Tincup
Brian4 wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:32 am 23andMe replied that they cannot get me copies of the huge volume of my posts.

We should sue them for destroying our data.

Any lawyers want to help with this?
The company appears to be on the brink, so likely they are (or soon will be) judgement proof. Anybody that has used them should download their data now, if they haven't previously.

Re: What happened to 23andMe forums? (Any lawyers here who can help?)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:46 pm
by Brian4
Tincup, yes, 23andMe is in bad shape as a company.

By the way, after much back and forth, I finally got a definitive answer:
Katrina, Dec 27, 2024, 1:26 PM PST:
Hello Brian,

My apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately it is no longer possible to provide you with this information as all forums discussions have already been deleted.

Best regards,

The 23andMe Team
That's really infuriating.

Does anyone out there have copies of any of our original discussions? They were quite extensive. Julie, another user and I -- along with others -- put a huge amount of time into thinking through what to do about our APOE status. This is what led to the formation of